Mecca enlisted us to create two filters for their holiday campaign - their brand subsets had different target audiences and so required different approaches.
We created two unique filters. The first, a world effect, integrated flowing shapes and vibrant colors into the users’ environment. The second, a face filter, accentuated the users’ natural beauty while creating a moment they were excited to share with the world.
Storyboarding plays a crucial role in securing customer buy-in. For every filter concept, we presented a series of ideas to ensure we aligned with Mecca’s vision before commencing production.
Communicating a sense of movement pre-production is highly valuable for ensuring stakeholders are on the same page, and developer time is not wasted.
Throughout the process I worked closely with our developers to ensure our pitches operated within technical capabilities. I was there to aid in any way I could, including making sprite sheets from Zhang’s original works.
Once we had approved designs and sprite sheets the devs dove in to implementing. We collaborated quite closely to get movement and feel correct.